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How to make a spinner in shell Scripting - Mr Idealhat

How to make spinner in Shell Scripting?

How to make spinner in Shell Scripting?, Mr Idealhat, shell scripting, shell scripting

Hello there, here we are going to discuss about what are the requirements and how can we make a spinner in shell Scripting with complete coding stuff. 

All these are very easy to understand and and very helpful for beginners, who are learning shell Scripting and wants to start their carrier in Linux. 

What is shell scripting?

Shell Scripting is a popular and widely used in Linux distributions. 

Shell scripting is a group of commands which are executed when the shell file is called or when we run shell file.

The other name of Shell Scripting is Bash or Bash Scripting.



Well, there is not much more requirements for making or creating a spinner in shell scripting via coding. 
  • Laptop or PC or android
  • Basic coding knowledge
  • Basic mathematics.

If you have laptop or PC (Personal Computer) with any Linux OS can easily execute shell script. 

If you have windows, No Worry, You can install any Linux based distros in your windows and easily execute these commands.

If you have android, then there is no worry about it again. You can do it on android also. 

Just install termux in android, which is a terminal for Android works fine in Android.

Let's do coding.

Here are some steps which will help you to make a spinner in Shell Scripting even in an android device with the help of tese following code. This code wil execute in Unix based Linux's even in android or in windows.


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