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New Facebook Tool for Termux... - Mr Idealhat

New Facebook tool for Termux - Mr Idealhat

How to hack facebook account? - Mr Idealhat

Hello friends, Today we are here to learn about a new facebook tool which is ready for work in termux and only for educational purpose. 


This article is only for educational purpose. All equipments are used in this article are my own equipments. If you do any illegal activity. Then, you are responsible for this. Our channel will not be responsible for that. We are providing this info for an educational purpose. 


There are some requirement criteria must be met to learn something from this article.

Watch full video for more info


Let's move forward for the commands which will help us.

apt update
Helps to update the packages of termux application

apt upgrade -y
Helps to upgrade the package of termux

pkg install git
Uses to install the git package in termux which helps us to clone the repo of Github


git clone [URL]
Helps to clone the zphisher repo in termux

cd zphisher
Enter in the directory of zphisher

chmod +x zphisher
Uses to give executable permission to any specific file

executes the script.

I tried to make understanding as much as I can. I tried to write this article as simple as I can. If you still have any query, you can contact me on Instagram.

Wait some time because this script is going to download some packages which are required to run the script. 

Practical Video

If you have any query please comment or contact Mr Idealhat on Instagram or Telegram. 

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