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osi.ig Instagram Information Gathering Tool - Mr Idealhat

Osi.ig Instagram Information Gathering Tool - Mr Idealhat

Osi.ig is an open - source information gathering tool for linux distributions as well as it also works in android (which simply means that Termux). It takes the username of Instagram account and displlay all about data  which is present at Instagram for public view. As it's open-source you can contribute too there. 

Features of osi.ig:

Here are some key features which are available in osi.ig tool:
  • Osi.ig is an open source tool
  • It's available for everyone
  • It's compatible with Windows, MAC, Linux and Android also.


There are certain requirements which are met to be to use this tool effectively. which are:
  • Basic knowledge of termux and linux 
  • Have 100 MB space
  • have 100 MB data.
  • a fast internet connection

Install and Use:

Here, we are to install and use osi.ig tool in order to get the desired Instagram information of any Instagram user. It's a combination of certain commands. There are some steps to install osi.ig in your device which are given below:

apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install git python -y

git clone https://github.com/th3unkn0n/osi.ig

cd osi.ig

pip install -r requirements.txt

python main.py

After successfully installing osi.ig in your device. You must know the command which can be used to get the information of desired Instagram user. These commands are:

python main.py -h
This command can be used to print the help message of osi.ig tool. This command will simply do that, this will print the help message of osi.ig tool. Which can be useful to know more about this tool if anyone don't know about this tool and if  anyone who is beginner is using this tool/.

python main.py -u <username>
This command can be used to fetch the information of Instagram user.


After successfully installing and executing osi.ig, we are here at conclusion. Conclusion is that osi.ig is used to get the information of Instagram user by username. But do now forget, This tool (osi.ig) and this article is only and only for educational purpose. We do not promote any illegal activity.  

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